Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Being Champion I Workshop - July 17, 1010

Connecting to your Heart

Our next Being Champion I Workshop will be held Saturday, July 17, 2010.

This workshop provides you with a one-day venue to look at and experience a new level of effectiveness, power and peace of mind.

You will connect to your heart and walk away with the core abilities to attain your professional and personal goals along six "guidelines:" Listening, Integrity, Being, Vision, Playing and Champion.

Through the practice of standing meditation and other workshop exercises, you will be able to generate in minutes - "the champion inside of you" - anytime, anywhere, and anyplace.

You will also create a more empowering vision for your life that is real now and a game structure to manifest intentions from will and certainty. There will be flow, more wealth and more freedom in your life.

If you are searching to leap from the familiar to the unknown to produce extraordinary results in your life this workshop is your pathway.

Fee: Contribution based on the value you experience.
Date: Saturday, July 17, 2010
Time: 9:00am - 7:00pm
Location: 5830 N Bay Rd, Miami Beach, Fl 33140

To reserve your seat e-mail roberto@mindtoheartinstitute.com.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Shift from your Mind to Your Heart

Being Champion I Workshop Saturday, 7.17.10

The initial BC Workshop provides you with a one-day venue to look at and experience a new level of effectiveness, power and peace of mind. You will deepen the feeling of your inner Champion and connect to your heart!!!

You will walk away with the core abilities to attain your professional and personal goals along six “guidelines:” Listening, Integrity, Being, Vision, Playing and Champion.

Through the practice of standing meditation and other workshop exercises, you will be able to generate in minutes – "the champion inside of you" – anytime, anywhere, and anyplace.

You will create a more empowering vision for your life that is real now and a game structure to manifest intentions from will and certainty. There will be flow, more wealth and more freedom in your life.

If you are searching to leap from the familiar to the unknown to produce a new level of greatness in your life this workshop is your pathway.

Fee: Contribution based on the value you experience.
Time: 9:00am - 7:00pm
Place: 5380 N Bay Rd, Miami Beach, Fl 33140

To register: email roberto@mindtoheartinstitute.com

Sunday, June 20, 2010

6.21.10 Yang Power

Yin Yang is used to describe how "opposite" forces are interconnected and interdependent in the natural world, and how they give rise to each other in turn.

Many natural dualities such as female and male, win and lose are thought of as manifestations of yin and yang.

This week observe your Yang (male) energy since yesterday was Father's Day and notice how it aligns with your Yin (female) energy.

Belated Happy Father's Day!!!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

6.15.10 Aware Power

Are you aware of what you think, feel, and speak? Do you create your life through clear thoughts, words and actions?

This week observe if you are living an empowering life? If you are, continue being aware that you are the captain of you fate and the master of your soul.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

6.10.10 Confidence Power

Do you consider confidence as a prediction or as trust? A confident prediction is one that projects a future to be rosy, an unconfident prediction projects the future to be bleak.

Trust entails full belief, beyond prediction. This week observe your thoughts and notice your confidence level in whatever you are up to. Then notice if you are predicting or truly believing.

Either way, increase your confidence by connecting more to your heart at our next Being Champion I Workshop. Read Below.

Shift Your Experience, by Connecting to your Heart

Our next Being Champion I Workshop will be held Saturday, July 17, 2010.

This workshop provides you with a one-day venue to look at and experience a new level of effectiveness, power and peace of mind.

You will connect to your heart and walk away with the core abilities to attain your professional and personal goals along six "guidelines:" Listening, Integrity, Being, Vision, Playing and Champion.

Through the practice of standing meditation and other workshop exercises, you will be able to generate in minutes - "the champion inside of you" - anytime, anywhere, and anyplace.

You will also create a more empowering vision for your life that is real now and a game structure to manifest intentions from will and certainty. There will be flow, more wealth and more freedom in your life.

If you are searching to leap from the familiar to the unknown to produce extraordinary results in your life this workshop is your pathway.

Fee: Contribution based on the value you experience.
Date: Saturday, July 17, 2010
Time: 9:00am - 7:00pm
Location: Renee Gallery 518 W Flager St, Miami, Fl 33130
Limited to 20 Individuals, please register by July 1, 2010.

To reserve your seat e-mail roberto@mindtoheartinstitute.com.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

5.24.10 Compassion Power

Are you actively desiring to alleviate another's sufferings? Are you willing to feel others' pain to release yours?

This week, observe if you are loving and caring for others. Notice if you are being compassionate to others who are not happy, who are not winning, who are hurting or who do not buy into your beliefs.

Below, learn more about Standing Meditation and its benefits.

Click for your Free 5-Minute Standing Meditation Video!!!

Standing meditation with the correct posture is a profound and meaningful exercise that leaves you feeling energized, clear, quiet, focused, peaceful and balanced.

Practicing standing meditation for fifteen minutes or more a day will contribute to your well-being and your ability to create and fulfill daily intentions with ease. You will experience deep levels of relaxation, chi (energy, life force) flow, and release of stress.

Listen to Roberto discuss the (click) Benefits of Standing Meditation.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

5.17.10 Steadfastness Power

Are you being steadfast with yourself? Do you stay in the "Game" when you are feeling sick, when you are hurt or when you are not inspired?

Standing Meditation strenghtens our ability to be calm with who we are in any circumstance. It supports us to observe and be ok with our experiences...good or bad. It allows us to stay present with ourselves.

This week, observe if you are being steadfast in your daily activites. Notice if you are being kind, flexible and confident. And, notice if you are calm when situations are unpredictable.

Below, learn more about Standing Meditation and its benefits.

Click for your Free 5-Minute Standing Meditation Video!!!

Standing meditation with the correct posture is a profound and meaningful exercise that leaves you feeling energized, clear, quiet, focused, peaceful and balanced.

Practicing standing meditation for fifteen minutes or more a day will contribute to your well-being and your ability to create and fulfill daily intentions with ease. You will experience deep levels of relaxation, chi (energy, life force) flow, and release of stress.

Listen to Roberto discuss the (click) Benefits of Standing Meditation

Monday, May 10, 2010

5.10.10 Team Power

Is your organization creating desired outcomes with ease? Are your teams flowing, self expressed and working together to attain extraordinary results? Are there team members in your company or in your family who are disappointed and angry?

Have you implemented new systems, longer working hours and brought in motivational speakers and results are still not there?

This week, observe if your team is inspired, listening from "nothing," in integrity, fully self expressed and serving each other. If not, perhaps is time to take a few days to let go. You might experience being happy, healthy, wealthy and free!!!

CASI, a GE medical equipment distributor in Trinidad, took a few days to clear, align and create a new future... Read below.

Transformation at CASI by Rosa Lopez-Batista, CEO

Going Green takes on a whole new meaning...

With such magnificent surroundings and wonderful
people, finding inner-peace flows naturally...

A very traditional photo, with untraditional thoughts,
feelings and ideas... A life altering experience .

Sunday, April 25, 2010

4.26.10 Acceptance Power

Are you dissatisfied with your life? Are you engaged with your emotions and the emotions of others?

The ego might have a hold on you. It wants you to be unhappy, frustrated and angry.

This week, trust that everything is ok with you. Observe that you are not your emotions and accept your circumstances. Let me know if you now feel free.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

4.19.10 Letting Go Power

Is your life free flowing? Or are you forcing life to be a certain way and when it's not that way you get disappointed and angry?

The ego might be resisting to let go. It wants to hold on being right and in control. It does not want you to be free and spontaneous.

This week, observe if you are in communication, loving, and fully self expressed. If not, ask yourself what I'm I willing to let go to be happy, healthy, wealthy and free?

Friday, April 16, 2010

4.16.10 Alignment and Balance

"It is true that certain people come into our lives at the time that we need them most. For that reason, I am grateful to have been introduced to Roberto and the programs which he is offering through his Mind to Heart Institute. Roberto guided me through a simple and effective process of identifying areas that needed clearing in my life. He showed me how to develop an action plan which quickly paved the way toward alignment and a welcome return to the balance of my core values."

Adrienne Ward
Big World Small Planet

Sunday, March 28, 2010

3.29.10 Process Power

Are you happy with the results in your business or life?

If not, perhaps you are focusing your attention on the outcome. If you are, consider that you cannot control the outcome. What you can control is the process. So this week notice if you are investing your attention on the process.

Give it your best shot and notice the outcome. You might be suprised how you feel with the results...win or lose.

Click the link below and listen to Sriumar Rao's. He teaches at some of the world's top business schools. At a recent gathering, Rao addressed the idea of 'mental models' that keep us from succeeding. He specifically speaks about the results-oriented nature of our society, what is wrong with it, and what to do about it.

Karma Be The Change

Monday, March 22, 2010

Check out my @constantcontact newsletter archive

Check out my @constantcontact newsletter archive

3.23.10 Authentic Power

Are you living an authentic life?

If you are not feeling happy, inspired, fully self-expressed and flowing perhaps you need to look deep inside and notice if you are in denial. There are different techniques to peel away beliefs that are not empowering.

Standing meditation is a technique that helps you connect to your core values. Also, it is a practice that quiets the mind, reduces stress and elevates energy flow.

If you have taken on meditation as a way to manifest your desired outcomes, be consistent in your practice. Below, Tiger Wood explains in two interviews with ESPN, Tom Rinaldi and Golf Channel, Kelly Tilghman why he created his ordeal.

"Well, I had gotten away from my core values as I said earlier. I'd gotten away from my Buddhism. And I quit meditating. I quit doing all the things that my mom and dad had taught me. And as I said earlier in my statement, I felt entitled, and that is not how I was raised."

Listen to Tiger Wood explain why he was living an inauthentic life.

Golf Channel with Kelly Tilghman

Saturday, March 13, 2010

3.15.10 Light Power

Are you creating light or darkness in your life or business?

Notice this week if you experience light when you meditate. Also, do you feel light when you are making a difference in life?

Consider that when you connect to your inner power, light is present. And, when you take action from that energy desired outcomes are manifested with ease.

Observe your light throughout the week and enjoy it!!!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

3.10.10 Playing Power

Are you having fun and playing your games "all out" in your business or life?

Notice this week if you take your plans of actions too seriously. Consider transforming your plans to games and have fun playing. You will either win or lose. In either case, what matters is that you are on the court playing and not sitting in the stands.

I trust that you have a powerful coach who supports you in winning your games. If not, please reserve your seats for our next Being Champion I Workshop that is around the corner.

Monday, March 1, 2010

3.02.10 Clarity Power

Do your ever notice your state of clarity in thought, style or appearance? This week notice if you have clear thoughts and intentions.

A good way to measure is to look at the results in your business or life. Aligning clear thoughts, good feelings and powerful actions will support you in manifesting desired outcomes.

Enjoy more clarity, power and results...I trust that your style and appearance are perfect. Also, please reserve your seats for our next Being Champion I Workshop that is around the corner.

Listen to testimonials below!!!

Monday, February 22, 2010

2.22.10 Being Power

Have you noticed lately who you are being in the world?

This week notice if fear or love shows up when you are in conversations with your family, friends or peers?

Also, notice if abundance or lack is reflecting back to you. In either case notice your beliefs and shift them if you want a different outcome.

Enjoy your connection to your inner power and heart!!!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

12.12.10 Happy Valentine Power

Happy Valentine today and always!!!

This week notice if your Love is spontaneous. If not, I suggest you get out of the way and let it Happen. Let me know how you feel when love, flow and joy comes to you.

Enjoy your connection to your inner power and heart!!!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Do you want to Shift from Your Mind to Your Heart in 2010?

Join us at our next Being Champion I Workshop on Saturday, April 10, 2010.

This workshop provides you with a one-day venue to look at and experience a new level of effectiveness, power and peace of mind.

You will connect to your heart and walk away with the core abilities to attain your professional and personal goals along six "guidelines:" Listening, Integrity, Being, Vision, Playing and Champion.

Through the practice of standing meditation and other workshop exercises, you will be able to generate in minutes - "the champion inside of you" - anytime, anywhere, and anyplace.

You will also create a more empowering vision for your life that is real now and a game structure to manifest intentions from will and certainty. There will be flow, more wealth and more freedom in your life.

If you are searching to leap from the familiar to the unknown to produce extraordinary results in your life this workshop is your pathway. To register and reserve your seat email us at roberto@bizchampions.com.

Fee: Contribution based on the value you experience.

Date: Saturday, April 10, 2010
Time: 9:00am - 7:00pm
Location: Brickell Forest Center 2410 Brickell Ave, Miami, Fl 33129
Limited to 20 Indivdiuals, please register by March 1, 2010.

To reserve your seat (availabilty limited) e-mail roberto@mindtoheartinstitute.com.

2.10.10 Creative Power

This week notice what you are creating in your life. If you are not fulfilling your intentions with velocity you might want to look at your resistance.

Let me know how you are feeling and continue to enjoy your connection to your inner power and heart!!!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

2.03.10 Reality Power

This week notice what you encounter in the outer world and determine if it's a reflection of your inner reality.

If you want to shift what you are experiencing consider transforming your thoughts.

Continue to enjoy your connection to your inner power and heart!!!

Monday, January 25, 2010

1.26.10 Connection Again

"Everything was very insightful at the Being Champion I workshop. I have learned many of the principles before. The conversations and techniques that we experienced helped me scrape off the rust and begin to connect again."

Denis Renuart, Business Owner

To reserve your seat (availabilty limited) for our next workshop on April 10, 2010, click Being Champion I or e-mail roberto@mindtoheartinstitute.com.

1.25.10 Conscious Breathing Power

This week notice your breathing and allow yourself time to enjoy the miracle of breathing light energy into your body.

Awareness and control of the breath are key to having more clarity and a focused mind. By focusing your attention, you can use your breath to relax, quiet down, and increase the flow of energy.

Enjoy your connection to your inner power and heart!!!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

1.19.10 Peace and Fulfillment

"The Being Champion I workshop is a door towards the union of your being with everything that you do in life. It gives the tools to be able to flow and to create what is aligned with your deepest feelings of peace and fulfillment.

Luana Hervier, Yogi

Sunday, January 10, 2010

01.10.10 Celebrate Power

Are you celebrating that 2010 will be a Loving, Flowing & Wealthy year?

"Whatever happens, remind yourself of this: the Heart, the devine splendor, is your home and final destination." Gurumayi

Notice this week if you can shift from your mind to your heart. If you are having a difficult time in connecting to your inner power, join us next Saturday, January 16, 2010 at the Being Champion I workshop.

Our intention is for you to bring forth the power within and connect to your heart. You will walk away celebrating your new Vision and Game that you will win in 2010.

Fee: Contribution based on the value you experience.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

1/03/10 Beyond Power

As we move into the new year the Mind to Heart Institute will be offering the Being Champion I Workshop on Saturday, January 16, 2010 from 9:00am-7:00pm.

This powerful workshop is beyond knowing and it will help you gain more clarity as you prepare to achieve your 2010 goals.

Fee: Contribution based on the value you experience.

You will learn and practice Standing Meditation, a powerful technique to gain a new level of effectiveness, reduce stress and connect to your inner power. We will also engage in the following conversations:

Secrets to creating and fulfilling your intentions.
How to listen powerfully and attain a quiet mind.
How to feel empowered and create desired outcomes.
How to create a future that is real and authentic right now.
Gain clarity in your life as it refers to career, family, finance, friends and well-being.
Learn how to put values in perspective.
Identify those hidden issues that may be holding you back.
Identify and pursue your desired goals.

If you are a business professional who is looking to be inspired, refocused and wanting to produce extraordinary results in 2010, this workshop is your pathway.

Play and experience more Love, Flow and Wealth. Start the year by listening to 2010 Predictions from .... Beyond and notice if you are still playing from the past.