Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Being Champion I Workshop - July 17, 1010

Connecting to your Heart

Our next Being Champion I Workshop will be held Saturday, July 17, 2010.

This workshop provides you with a one-day venue to look at and experience a new level of effectiveness, power and peace of mind.

You will connect to your heart and walk away with the core abilities to attain your professional and personal goals along six "guidelines:" Listening, Integrity, Being, Vision, Playing and Champion.

Through the practice of standing meditation and other workshop exercises, you will be able to generate in minutes - "the champion inside of you" - anytime, anywhere, and anyplace.

You will also create a more empowering vision for your life that is real now and a game structure to manifest intentions from will and certainty. There will be flow, more wealth and more freedom in your life.

If you are searching to leap from the familiar to the unknown to produce extraordinary results in your life this workshop is your pathway.

Fee: Contribution based on the value you experience.
Date: Saturday, July 17, 2010
Time: 9:00am - 7:00pm
Location: 5830 N Bay Rd, Miami Beach, Fl 33140

To reserve your seat e-mail roberto@mindtoheartinstitute.com.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Shift from your Mind to Your Heart

Being Champion I Workshop Saturday, 7.17.10

The initial BC Workshop provides you with a one-day venue to look at and experience a new level of effectiveness, power and peace of mind. You will deepen the feeling of your inner Champion and connect to your heart!!!

You will walk away with the core abilities to attain your professional and personal goals along six “guidelines:” Listening, Integrity, Being, Vision, Playing and Champion.

Through the practice of standing meditation and other workshop exercises, you will be able to generate in minutes – "the champion inside of you" – anytime, anywhere, and anyplace.

You will create a more empowering vision for your life that is real now and a game structure to manifest intentions from will and certainty. There will be flow, more wealth and more freedom in your life.

If you are searching to leap from the familiar to the unknown to produce a new level of greatness in your life this workshop is your pathway.

Fee: Contribution based on the value you experience.
Time: 9:00am - 7:00pm
Place: 5380 N Bay Rd, Miami Beach, Fl 33140

To register: email roberto@mindtoheartinstitute.com

Sunday, June 20, 2010

6.21.10 Yang Power

Yin Yang is used to describe how "opposite" forces are interconnected and interdependent in the natural world, and how they give rise to each other in turn.

Many natural dualities such as female and male, win and lose are thought of as manifestations of yin and yang.

This week observe your Yang (male) energy since yesterday was Father's Day and notice how it aligns with your Yin (female) energy.

Belated Happy Father's Day!!!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

6.15.10 Aware Power

Are you aware of what you think, feel, and speak? Do you create your life through clear thoughts, words and actions?

This week observe if you are living an empowering life? If you are, continue being aware that you are the captain of you fate and the master of your soul.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

6.10.10 Confidence Power

Do you consider confidence as a prediction or as trust? A confident prediction is one that projects a future to be rosy, an unconfident prediction projects the future to be bleak.

Trust entails full belief, beyond prediction. This week observe your thoughts and notice your confidence level in whatever you are up to. Then notice if you are predicting or truly believing.

Either way, increase your confidence by connecting more to your heart at our next Being Champion I Workshop. Read Below.

Shift Your Experience, by Connecting to your Heart

Our next Being Champion I Workshop will be held Saturday, July 17, 2010.

This workshop provides you with a one-day venue to look at and experience a new level of effectiveness, power and peace of mind.

You will connect to your heart and walk away with the core abilities to attain your professional and personal goals along six "guidelines:" Listening, Integrity, Being, Vision, Playing and Champion.

Through the practice of standing meditation and other workshop exercises, you will be able to generate in minutes - "the champion inside of you" - anytime, anywhere, and anyplace.

You will also create a more empowering vision for your life that is real now and a game structure to manifest intentions from will and certainty. There will be flow, more wealth and more freedom in your life.

If you are searching to leap from the familiar to the unknown to produce extraordinary results in your life this workshop is your pathway.

Fee: Contribution based on the value you experience.
Date: Saturday, July 17, 2010
Time: 9:00am - 7:00pm
Location: Renee Gallery 518 W Flager St, Miami, Fl 33130
Limited to 20 Individuals, please register by July 1, 2010.

To reserve your seat e-mail roberto@mindtoheartinstitute.com.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

5.24.10 Compassion Power

Are you actively desiring to alleviate another's sufferings? Are you willing to feel others' pain to release yours?

This week, observe if you are loving and caring for others. Notice if you are being compassionate to others who are not happy, who are not winning, who are hurting or who do not buy into your beliefs.

Below, learn more about Standing Meditation and its benefits.

Click for your Free 5-Minute Standing Meditation Video!!!

Standing meditation with the correct posture is a profound and meaningful exercise that leaves you feeling energized, clear, quiet, focused, peaceful and balanced.

Practicing standing meditation for fifteen minutes or more a day will contribute to your well-being and your ability to create and fulfill daily intentions with ease. You will experience deep levels of relaxation, chi (energy, life force) flow, and release of stress.

Listen to Roberto discuss the (click) Benefits of Standing Meditation.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

5.17.10 Steadfastness Power

Are you being steadfast with yourself? Do you stay in the "Game" when you are feeling sick, when you are hurt or when you are not inspired?

Standing Meditation strenghtens our ability to be calm with who we are in any circumstance. It supports us to observe and be ok with our experiences...good or bad. It allows us to stay present with ourselves.

This week, observe if you are being steadfast in your daily activites. Notice if you are being kind, flexible and confident. And, notice if you are calm when situations are unpredictable.

Below, learn more about Standing Meditation and its benefits.

Click for your Free 5-Minute Standing Meditation Video!!!

Standing meditation with the correct posture is a profound and meaningful exercise that leaves you feeling energized, clear, quiet, focused, peaceful and balanced.

Practicing standing meditation for fifteen minutes or more a day will contribute to your well-being and your ability to create and fulfill daily intentions with ease. You will experience deep levels of relaxation, chi (energy, life force) flow, and release of stress.

Listen to Roberto discuss the (click) Benefits of Standing Meditation