Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Being Champion I Workshop - July 17, 1010

Connecting to your Heart

Our next Being Champion I Workshop will be held Saturday, July 17, 2010.

This workshop provides you with a one-day venue to look at and experience a new level of effectiveness, power and peace of mind.

You will connect to your heart and walk away with the core abilities to attain your professional and personal goals along six "guidelines:" Listening, Integrity, Being, Vision, Playing and Champion.

Through the practice of standing meditation and other workshop exercises, you will be able to generate in minutes - "the champion inside of you" - anytime, anywhere, and anyplace.

You will also create a more empowering vision for your life that is real now and a game structure to manifest intentions from will and certainty. There will be flow, more wealth and more freedom in your life.

If you are searching to leap from the familiar to the unknown to produce extraordinary results in your life this workshop is your pathway.

Fee: Contribution based on the value you experience.
Date: Saturday, July 17, 2010
Time: 9:00am - 7:00pm
Location: 5830 N Bay Rd, Miami Beach, Fl 33140

To reserve your seat e-mail roberto@mindtoheartinstitute.com.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Shift from your Mind to Your Heart

Being Champion I Workshop Saturday, 7.17.10

The initial BC Workshop provides you with a one-day venue to look at and experience a new level of effectiveness, power and peace of mind. You will deepen the feeling of your inner Champion and connect to your heart!!!

You will walk away with the core abilities to attain your professional and personal goals along six “guidelines:” Listening, Integrity, Being, Vision, Playing and Champion.

Through the practice of standing meditation and other workshop exercises, you will be able to generate in minutes – "the champion inside of you" – anytime, anywhere, and anyplace.

You will create a more empowering vision for your life that is real now and a game structure to manifest intentions from will and certainty. There will be flow, more wealth and more freedom in your life.

If you are searching to leap from the familiar to the unknown to produce a new level of greatness in your life this workshop is your pathway.

Fee: Contribution based on the value you experience.
Time: 9:00am - 7:00pm
Place: 5380 N Bay Rd, Miami Beach, Fl 33140

To register: email roberto@mindtoheartinstitute.com