This Easter weekend notice how open you are to receiving Spiritual Purification through the following elements:
1) Mind: Raising the quality of our thoughts and feelings.
2) Love: Having harmony in all our relationships.
3) Earth: Experimenting with good diets, fasting and having a personal exercise system.
4) Air: Moving energy concentration out of the body by conscious breathing.
5) Water: Daily bathing and choosing clean water to drink.
6) Fire: Relaxing, healing and removing pain.
"Spiritual purification can clean and balance the Energy Body and keep us happy and healthy. The practices with earth, air, water and fire can clean the mind more effectively than the mind can. For the mind to know this may be the supreme wisdom of the mind." Leonard Orr
Listening from a clear and pure mind will allow you to experience Easter from a whole new dimension. If you want to search for the highest quality thought in the universe this weekend come join us tomorrow April 11, 2009 at The Being Champion Workshop starting at 9:00am.
Click here to for directions:
Why Facts Don’t Change Minds
4 months ago
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