Monday, May 10, 2010

5.10.10 Team Power

Is your organization creating desired outcomes with ease? Are your teams flowing, self expressed and working together to attain extraordinary results? Are there team members in your company or in your family who are disappointed and angry?

Have you implemented new systems, longer working hours and brought in motivational speakers and results are still not there?

This week, observe if your team is inspired, listening from "nothing," in integrity, fully self expressed and serving each other. If not, perhaps is time to take a few days to let go. You might experience being happy, healthy, wealthy and free!!!

CASI, a GE medical equipment distributor in Trinidad, took a few days to clear, align and create a new future... Read below.

Transformation at CASI by Rosa Lopez-Batista, CEO

Going Green takes on a whole new meaning...

With such magnificent surroundings and wonderful
people, finding inner-peace flows naturally...

A very traditional photo, with untraditional thoughts,
feelings and ideas... A life altering experience .

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